How To Measure Offline Conversions?

Measuring offline conversions is essential to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns that drive customers to physical stores or other offline touchpoints. However, it can be challenging to track offline conversions, as they occur outside of the digital realm. In this response, we will discuss the process of measuring offline conversions, including various methods and tools available to track and offline measure conversions.

Methods for Measuring Offline Conversions

Here are some common methods to measure offline conversions:

Custom Landing Pages:

Creating custom landing pages that are unique to each campaign is a great way to track the effectiveness of your offline campaigns. By using different URLs, phone numbers, or coupon codes for each campaign, you can track the number of people who engage with each campaign and measure its success.

QR Codes:

QR codes can be used to track offline conversions. You can include a QR code on your offline advertising material, which, when scanned, takes the user to a specific landing page or offer. By tracking the number of scans, you can measure the effectiveness of your offline campaign.

Promo Codes:

Using promo codes is an effective way to track offline conversions. You can create unique promo codes for each offline campaign and track the number of times each code is used. This method provides you with a clear idea of how many people have redeemed your offer.

Call Tracking:

Call tracking allows you to track the number of calls made to a specific phone number that you have included in your offline marketing campaign. You can use call tracking software to record and analyze the calls, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaign.

Tools for Measuring Offline Conversions

Here are some popular tools for measuring offline conversions:

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to track website traffic and conversions. You can set up goals to track offline conversions, such as phone calls, form submissions, or email sign-ups.


CallRail is a call-tracking software that allows you to track phone calls made to your business. It provides valuable insights into which marketing campaigns are driving the most calls and which are generating the most revenue.


Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that allows you to track and manage customer interactions. It provides tools to track offline conversions and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.


Measuring offline conversions is essential for evaluating the success of your marketing campaigns. There are various methods and tools available to track offline conversions, including custom landing pages, QR codes, promo codes, call tracking, Google Analytics, CallRail, and Salesforce. By utilizing these methods and tools, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your offline marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve your ROI.

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